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Tutorial & Workshop on the Role of Ontologies in Biomedical AI (ROBI)

Ontologies and Linked Data resources are pervasive throughout the life sciences where hundreds of ontologies are used in almost every major biological database for the formal characterization of data and the integration of knowledge. Methods that allow incorporating the knowledge in ontologies in biomedical data analysis and particular machine learning are only now being developed. The aim of the workshop is to explore the interface between domain knowledge in biomedical ontologies and machine learning from the perspective of ontologies, their structure, and underlying conceptualization. We will discuss how ontologies can contribute to build more comprehensive AI models that utilize domain knowledge, provide explanations understandable to domain experts, and identify consistency with scientific knowledge. Of particular interest is how research on biomedical ontologies can be leveraged to improve AI.

Example questions we would like to answer in the workshop are

Topics of interest include


The workshop takes place on 25 September in the afternoon, 1:30-5:00. We will start with presentations of research and position papers, followed by a discussion session.

Where and when?

The workshop will take place at the International Conference on Biological and Biomedical Ontologies (ICBO) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, USA.

Important dates:

Organizing Committee and Contact